Monday, August 6, 2012

Food, Workouts, and Soul

Everyone reaches a low point in their life. To say you haven't means that you have yet to learn from your mistakes. During my last few months in Houston, I just kind of gave up on everything. My hair, my nails, my health, my religion...

But, I was given a second chance. A second chance to change myself from the teacher who loathed her job, her body, and her attitude. A second chance to start over and say, "Hey, I am Alexia. If you want to know anything about me, know I am awesome!"

Coming to San Antonio was a way for me to start a new life. I consider moving as a way to make a new first impression, and I want the impression I make on the people in this city to be an everlasting one. When I walk into work or a coffee shop, I want people to notice my kindness and my self-esteem. Since this is the person I want to be, I have to change who I now am.

I switched my eating habits. Not to a crash diet, or a "drink all the honey and lemon water you can" detox. I decided that changing to Paleo would be the best for my body. I have been doing it for two weeks now, and am in awe of all the exciting innovative recipes that I can make. Although, I do not let it get into my fellowship time with friends and family...the other day, I went out to eat and didn't feel guilty about the plate I ordered. Which I think is a good sign.

Homemade creamy tomato soup, grapes, watermelon, and a blueberry protein ball. Random, yes, but it was only lunch, so that is perfectly fine.

I read somewhere that feeling guilty about "cheating" on your diet is pointless. It's not a person, you aren't in a relationship with it, don't feel guilty. And with Paleo, there is no's a lifestyle, not a diet.

I also switched up my workouts a little. Now, I thoroughly enjoy working out. In fact, I believe that the sweatier, the better! I don't leave the gym until I am glistening from head to toe. Gyms, though, can get very routine and dull. So, my sister and I have been running at this lovely park that has trails that go uphill and downhill. I don't even notice I am running half the time. Actually, the other day, I was trying to hop on all the big rocks to not leave a footprint (pretending to be Katniss), in doing that...I ran a mile! Ha!

Finally, I changed my soul. I attended and became a member of Second Baptist Church in Houston (20,000 members), and then I realized it wasn't for me. The ladies in my Sunday school class were way to into themselves and didn't ever feel like talking to me, and the church itself was just too traditional and something that never was able to catch my attention. My first Sunday in SA, Brady took me to her church and I loved it right away. It was non-denominational, which I have always preferred because I don't consider myself Baptist in the first place. The songs were also very amazing and the sermon kicked some major bootie. The people there during my first day were more welcoming that SBC had been in the 2 years I went there.

I am not really sure there is a point to this blog, but if you decided that this was very boring, dull, and skipped to the very end (this portion). Just know one thing: Change is good; change is put into your life to give you a second chance; if you never experience change (good or bad), you haven't experienced life. :)

Monday, July 23, 2012

A Chucky doll and a Hitler stamp...

Today, AJ and I continued our bro/sis adventure. We went antique shopping in Corpus Christi and came across some very, uhm...interesting finds.

I was trying to find something eclectic to put in my new apartment, but I failed to find anything that stood out and still went with what I had. I saw some Fiesta Ware, but I didn't feel like shelling out $50 for a plate.

So, our search continued. Going through these shops can sometimes make you feel like you are going through a Labyrinth. All the twists and turns, ups and downs, "Watch your step's" and "Watch your head's."

Adam Jay came across a chair that struck his fancy, but it looked too modern and not antique-y enough to purchase for $350...

In scary movies bad things always happen when one ventures upstairs...

And I was right, we found a doll that looked like it once starred in a Chucky movie.

I swear this mannequin was looking at us before AJ took the picture, I guess he blinked and it happened to move. If you have ever seen Doctor Who, you know that you are NEVER supposed to look away. Never BLINK! But those are for the weeping angels, I am not sure if that is the same for mannequins.

You can't really see it, but the box my hand is on was just way too cool! It held cuff links, change, and other fancy stuff that men wore back in the early 1900's.

Thought this would be an opportune moment to take a picture of us having a hoot.

This was a cute dress from the 50's that I wanted to buy. But I didn't feel like trying it was also two sizes too big for me.

And HOORAY for the scariest find of the day. Nazi stamps. Two of the swastika and two of Hitler. Needless to say, AJ and I hurried out of the store and ended our shopping adventure after that.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

We aren't the richest, but we are the wealthiest...

On the way out of the Best Buy parking lot today, there was a van that was just sitting on the busy road AJ and I were trying to get out of. Since the van was not moving, there was a queue of honking cars behind it.

AJ helping the elderly couple.
When we finally passed the van, we saw an elderly couple in there and heard that awful sound of a vehicle that just won't start. AJ and I felt very bad for them, and AJ wanted to help. So, we drove across the street and my wonderful brother got out of the car and dodged traffic to help them.

He ended up pushing the van into the Best Buy parking lot. The couple did not speak English and they tried to pay AJ $5.00 for helping them. Brosef didn't accept it, told them to have a nice day, and got back into my car.

This just completely made my day. All those cars honking at these poor scared people, wanting to go about THEIR business, and not giving two cents that there was someone who was incapable of doing something himself. What happened to the days of chivalry, gentlemen, and kindness? Are we just too self-involved that we can't spare 3 minutes of our lives to help those in need?

I wish the world was raised the same way my family was raised. Wanting to give people things just to see the look on their face, instead of having the tought of "they owe me." To help people because we know that they might benefit more out of it than we will. Taking time out of a busy weekend to spend time with a severly ill child, just because we know that they really need that extra love and attention.

Brady, Casey, AJ, and I have all been taught that it is better to give than to receive and that if we are able to make the light shine on someone's cloudy day, that we have done the right thing. And I think that makes us the wealthiest family in the world.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Spending a little quality time!

What a glorious day today! It started off with sheets of rain just pouring down from a sky full of lightning and thunder. (I enjoy rain, so this was very nice for me.)

Then, the darkness and rain moved on leaving a sunny and not so hot beautiful day! I took full advantage of this by getting out of the house and spent some quality time with myself. I went to Barnes & Noble just to window shop...of course that is impossible! It would be like Carrie Bradshaw going into a Christian Louboutin store and not walking out with a pair of shoes. So, I spent about an hour looking around for a book to get, even though I knew all along that I was going to invest in Insurgent.

Once I left the Mecca of all bookstores, I decided that my day with me was not over. I stopped by La Madeline, ordered some potato soup, a sandwhich, and a mini fruit tart, sat at a corner table, and read some of my book.

For a while now, I have been in and out of a heartbreak mood. This was just the little pick-me-up that I have been begging for.

I stated a few blogs back that I am going to start doing things for me...well, I am and it is worth every minute. It is helping boost my confidence, upping the number of smiles I have each day, and even is allowing me to have a more positive outlook on my future.

In conclusion, I thought I could part with my book for the remainder of the day to do something else, but it is calling my name. So, if you don't mind, I have to go back to a world of craziness and help overthrow the Erudite government!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Preparing for a Zombie Apocalypse...

I had the weirdest but most awesome dream ever last night. Just go with it...

It's the start of the end of the world, and zombies are taking over. (Imagine a smoky, bloody, deserted setting.) I realize that I am going to survive and if I die it won't be because I am the main course of a zombie dinner.

I come across a gun shop and start loading up on as many guns as I can carry and run with, if the worst happens.
As I am looting the shop I hear noises coming from outside and realize that I am soon going to have to put these guns to use. So I hide in a spot where I could easily shoot upon sight but they would not be able to see me. Easy...I popped a cap in every one of them. (Apparently I am an excellent markswoman!)

This is when I realize that I have no place to set up fort and would be very vulnerable to frequent attacks. Well, I get this awesome idea that the best place to be would be none other than...

That's right! HOGWARTS! Of course, my dream was all downhill from there because Dumbledore helped protect me from the zombies. It was great! And that was the end of my dream! This just goes to show you that Harry Potter solves everything, and I should not play Plants VS Zombies right before bed.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Following Blindly

Today, I just took the biggest leap of faith in my life...

I applied at a school in San Antonio and planned on not signing my resignation letter at Sealy until I was for certain that I had a job at this new school. I have been anxiously waiting for the school board meeting so that my new job would be official, but come to find out my name didn't get to the board on time. Their next meeting is on August 6th and I will be either approved or denied. The catch is, is that by July 13th all teachers have to either resign or keep their contracts. Cue anxiety, stress, and a possible ulcer...

I went ahead and did it. I turned in my letter today with no for sure job tucked away in my back pocket. I am not stressed, worried, or in a state of panic. I am fine. I am okay. I am at peace..


I think not.

Maybe I will get the job, maybe I won't. But, if I am at peace with all of this then I know something better is coming along.

Cheers to a new and unknown future!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Going against Murhpy's Law

Having a drink with Bekah at Chuy's.
Last month has been a roller coaster of ups and downs. It seemed as is every day I was going from happy to sad to ecstatic to utterly depressed, then the depression kind of stayed for a while. When I was stuck in that hole of not feeling pretty, successful, smart, wanted, or loved; I just felt like giving up on life all together. There's no way I could have faced another day with Murphy slapping me in the face every 3 seconds.

Then, after talking to a few people I thought to myself that maybe if I could get out of this town and far away that maybe my life might become what I want it to be. So, on a whim I applied for a job in San Antonio. I didn't think I would get a chance because it is one of the best school districts in San A, and I am the worst person to interview...I sweat, talk fast, and st-st-stutter (BLEH)! Of course, nothing could go right.

But everything has gone right...that's the crazy thing! I got a phone call for an interview and did a decent job answering every question. I even told them that I was familiar with programs that they thought of implementing at their school (head start, yay!). And I just found out that I got the job today!!! Wooohooo! (Sorry for all my coworkers out there who are finding out by reading this, but it is such a relief.)
Then, I got a call from the place where I bought my TV saying that I forgot to make a payment. Of course I did! I explained to them that my TV got stolen and that I just forget to make payments because it isn't there staring at me saying "your bill is due, your bill is due." The lady on the phone said that I got insurance on it when I bought it, so I could just get another one. WHAT??!?!?! These kinds of things never happen to me! I never buy insurance on anything (except my car)! Wow!!!

All of these good things have been happening in my life, and I know it was because I realized what kind of situation I was in, knew I needed to get out of it, and asked God for mercy, forgiveness, and help. Thanks, G-Unit!
On top of all these awesome things, I got to go visit tons of family this weekend. My mom, Brady, grandparents, Uncle Billy, and my completely awesome cousin, Rebekah. This has been the brightest time in my life in a long time. The sun is shining everywhere and I am playing in it!